Joe Biden’s Inshallah to Trump leaves Muslims gleeful

Muslims across the US were gleeful when former vice president and current presidential candidate Joe Biden said Inshallah, which means God willing, in a dig to President Donald Trump during the first presidential debate on Tuesday.
This happened when Biden interrupted Trump while he was talking about paying his taxes. Trump said that he will release his tax returns soon.
Biden dropped an “Inshallah” at the debate.
— Waleed Shahid (@_waleedshahid) September 30, 2020
When the moderator of the debate pressed the president to say when he will release his taxes, Biden interjected with, “When? Inshallah?” The vice president then proceeded to laugh at his own joke.
Inshallah is a commonly used phrase by Muslims which hopes that something anticipated will happen. Biden, however, used it in a sarcastic way, something often done by Muslims.
Following this, a video of the debate started getting viral on social media after which people came up with new name suggestions for Biden. Some favourites were Joe Hussein O’Biden, Joe ibn Biden and Yusuf Biden.
Okay, for those of you wondering – did Joe Biden really drop an “inshallah” with the appropriate sarcastic usage?
— Asma Khalid (@asmamk) September 30, 2020
Yes, he did. I confirmed with his campaign – that is indeed what the man said.
— Ambitions or Greed
Joe Biden: Inshallah September 30, 2020
my relatives seeing joe biden say inshallah live on
— bArman(@DiorSauvage) September 30, 2020
Joe Biden’s #inshallah is the most unanticipated thing I’ve seen in politics in so long
— Mohamed Adel (@Neuro_Mohamed) September 30, 2020it is also funny how he used it for its sarcastic meaning not the literal meaning, just like Arabs do a lot. This is a smarter way to appeal to the targeted group than usual empty slogans
People are, however, also confused and doubtful that Biden actually said the phrase. Some think he said “when it’s the law”, while others believe it was “when, in July?”.
What do you think? Did he actually say Inshallah?
The first presidential debate was held on September 29. President Donald Trump and Vice President Joe Biden came face to face to tell America to vote for them ahead of elections on November 3.