This Multan man has a pet lion at his house

While most people like to keep a cat or a dog as their pets, this man from Multan has upped the ante and has found a companion in a lion.
Zubair has named the lion Leo and calls him his best friend. “I wanted to keep a lion as a pet since childhood,” he said. “Even though it can be dangerous, I still managed to fulfil my wish.”
Leo has a metal cuff around its neck and Zubair controls him with the chain attached to the cuff. There is a cage in the house as well where the animal is kept.
“Leo plays with me and is treated like royalty at our house,” Zubair said, explaining that due to high temperatures and heat an air-conditioner has been installed for the lion.
The animal-lover added that he makes sure the lion is fed meat timely.
According to Mudassir Hasan, the assistant director of the Punjab Wildlife Department, there’s no permit needed to keep a lion if the person gets it from within Punjab.
“A permit is only needed if the lion is imported. Otherwise, anyone could keep them at home,” he said. However, he stressed that the owners should keep the adult big cats caged, rather than allowing them to roam freely.